Children will be encouraged to learn about personal hygiene through the daily routine.
A senior member of staff will administer any necessary medicine, only if an appropriate form has been completed and signed by a parent/carer
If a child requires technical medication, staff must be trained by medical personnel.
If a child is taken ill in the Nursery s/he will be quarantined if necessary, and the parent/carer will be contacted.
The parent/carer will be either - asked to arrange to collect the child as soon as possible, advised to make a doctors appointment, or permission will be sought to administer medicine.
If a child needs immediate hospitalisation then the parent/carer will be contacted and asked to meet Nursery staff at the hospital.
If prior to coming into the nursery a child has been injured, had a bump of any sort, an allergic reaction, medicine administered, or any other incident/reaction, it is the responsibility of the Parent/Carer to inform a member of staff. Any such incident reported should be recorded on an incident sheet which will be added to the child's file.
Children will be excluded from the Nursery on medical grounds based on the guidance provided by the Health Promotion Wales. E.g.
A child will not be accepted at the beginning of a session if it is obvious that s/he isn't well. If a child develops symptoms of any infectious illness during a session, reasonable steps will be taken to avoid cross-infection.
A child who is unwell and dependant of calpol will not be able to attend.